📄️ What's GEME Kobold
GEME Kobold is a product contains a set of microbes. It is key factor to breakdown food scraps and bio waste.
📄️ What's the Difference between Big Bag Kobold and Small Bag Kobold
📄️ Can I Use Another Microbes for GEME Composter?
Don't do that.
📄️ When can I Start Harvesting the Compost and How Much Should I Need to Leave in GEME?
GEME Composter is a modern electric composter like, it works more like other traditional compost bin and tumbler.
📄️ Where can I buy more kobold?
We manage to build a microorganism factory in China.
📄️ How to maintain GEME Kobold?
Well, this is an art instead of science.